26 May 2009

The Ultimate Send-Off

So Egypt is trying to kill me before I leave. I've only had mild stomach issues for the whole 9 months I've been here...up until about a week ago. I basically spent all last week feeling like I wanted to vomit along with some other fun stuff I won’t bother grossing you out with. By the end of the week I was curled up in the fetal position sucking down as much water as humanly possible to put out the fire that was coursing through my abdomen. I finally decided enough was enough and went to the doctor, which was far easier than I could have hoped for, and it only cost me $18 (did you hear that America? 18$ without insurance!). The doc poked around at me a bit, and said I basically ate or drank something yucky, or somebody’s yucky hands touched my food or drink...bleh. So now the searing pain in my abdomen is gone, but the antibiotics are making me want to yack. If I wasn't homesick before, I certainly am now! Hah!

Well the time is getting neigh for me to leave...I say that with a heavy heart. It's been such a great experience. I have days where I feel ready, and others where I feel like clinging on to something for dear life. There will be so many things I'll miss, and going back to the states just feels like stepping into a big black void of who knows what. I've made so many absolutely, positively, wonderful friends, and its going to be a sad, sad day when they aren't just a short cab ride away. I'm going to miss that the sun is almost always shining, the call to prayer, Egyptian hospitality, traveling by cab, felucca rides on the Nile, the constant bustle, and the sheer vibrancy of this city. That said, there are some things I won't miss...the trash, the pollution, the constant harassment from men, having to haggle over every little purchase...plus, coming home this summer means I can look forward to wearing tank tops and shorts without causing a scene, woohoo!

Friends, family....America....I look forward to seeing you!


harry said...

You poor thing! Feel better.

Jyesika said...

mmmm dysentery. The poor mans tummy tuck. Hope you feel batter!

Bob said...

Boo! It's funny your symptoms remind me alot of what I used to go through when I ate bread, evil bread Damn you to hell!

Also funny that I had Jys's exact thought on the tummy tuck. Your clearly just pulling a Pichu/John and dropping lbs for the float trip!

Excited to see you again for a week or however long yur around. I'm trying to get John/Mark/Pichu to host an 80's night party at their pad the weekend after the float trip, wee! It must be so hectic there right now with the end of school/being sick/preparing to return to Amurka